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Showing posts from July, 2017

Civil Society and Making of Foreign Policy by Dr. Venugopal B Menon and Chinnu Jolly Jerome

The link between Civil Society and the State, and the resultant interactions in evolving the foreign policy are all increasingly recognized in modern times. The world now acknowledges the relevance of civil societies / non-governmental organizations in the making unmaking of foreign policies of governments.  The term ‘Civil Society’ is traced to the period of Enlightenment in the 18th century. But, it has much older history in ancient political thought of the classical period. This concept was used as a synonym to good society and the state. Socrates admonished that public argument through ‘dialectic’ was imperative to ensure ‘Civility’ in the ‘polis’ and ‘good life’ of the people, for  Plato, the ideal state was a just society in which people dedicate themselves to the common good, practice Civic virtues of wisdom, courage, moderation and justice, and perform the occupational role to which they were best suited. It was the duty of the ‘Philosopher King” to look after peop...