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Showing posts from May, 2019

Internship Experience-India Bound-Sreetama Chakraborty

Interning at India Bound was basically taking a glimpse into how the corporate world actually works. It was definitely an eye opening experience. I realised how is it it to actually deal with strict deadlines, coming up with impromptu solutions, managing expectations and so on. More than anything it was a great learning experience, both in terms of knowledge and personal development. With regards to knowledge, we had to work on recent Sri Lanka blasts, terrorism within India, we archived the news of the last 3 years, and through working on these projects we gained a very thorough understanding on these issues. We were expected to be updated on the recent events that are happening all around the world. We also gained technical knowledge with regards to writing a business report, better usage MS Office and so on. At a personal level almost all of us got into the habit of reading newspaper daily, we learnt to deal with pressure and also we also realised that we should learn to hand...

Internship Experience-Institute of Chinese Studies-Madhvi Pokhriyal

I have been working in Institute of Chinese Studies for more than three weeks. When the question of where to go for internship came up ICS was my first choice. We had been told to be open to new experiences during our internship and this advice by my teachers came in handy when I first started working at the institute. Institute of Chinese studies is all about China. They rigorously and very passionately study China. ICS is one of the first and probably the only institute, based in India, that is involved in research and development on China. Though the field of Chinese studies has not been explored to its full potential, ICS has contributed to it immensely and has been an active advocate of Chinese Studies. My first day at ICS was great. The whole institute including the Director and the researchers welcomed me very warmly. Since I had never worked in an environment like this, at first, the whole place and the people intimidated me. However, as the days passed, I found my own s...

Internship Experience-Carnegie-Aakansha Jaimini

Carnegie India, the sixth international center of the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace, opened in April 2016 in New Delhi. As with Carnegie’s centers in Beijing, Beirut, Brussels, Moscow, and Washington, Carnegie India is staffed and led by local experts who collaborate extensively with colleagues around the world. The center’s research and programmatic focus include the political economy of reform in India, foreign and security policy, and the role of innovation and technology in India’s internal transformation and international relations. My experience at Carnegie has been full of learnings and challenges. The environment here is quite relaxed, friendly and comfortable yet it taught me how to behave in the workplace. There is easy access to everyone in the organization, there is no kind of hierarchy which one needs to follow to meet/talk anyone. Simply working in the office and getting used to everything here has definitely prepared me for whatever my next position ...

Internship Experience-NIAS-Sanjali Mitra

National Institute of Advanced Studies  ( NIAS ), Bangalore, is a centre of higher learning in India engaged in interdisciplinary and multidisciplinary research in natural sciences, social sciences, arts and humanities.  National Institute of Advanced Studies is involved in four areas of activities such as research, analysis, publications and education. It acts as a platform for advanced research in the disciplines of sciences, arts, and humanities. The research findings are compiled and disseminated through printed literature, personal interactions, lectures and conferences. The centre works as a forum for the social and political leaders and academics to interact with each other for interdisciplinary exchange of knowledge and information. The academic activities of the institute are segmented to fall under four schools. Each school functions as a separate division and has a host of permanent teaching faculty and a set of visiting professors: ·   ...

Internship Experience-IDSA-Niharika Virlley

I nterning at one of the most renowned think tanks, the Institute for Defence Studies and Analyses, has broadened my horizons in the domain of research and the nuances within policy-making. Within a few weeks in the organisation itself, I witnessed a growth in my knowledge in a more pragmatic and a professional sense. The experience so far has been an enriching exposure of the real world and how intricate the development process is, when it comes to policy decisions at the national or the international level. Being a part of a number of conferences, interactions and lectures, by organisations and delegates from various walks of life, I have been exposed to areas that need to be critically analysed and be incorporated in policy-making. As part of the Internal Security Division at IDSA, I have not just worked towards my area of research, i.e., the domain of refugees, but an array of realms within the Division, thus, contributing to the organisation as well. The extensive bank of knowle...