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ISPH Model United Nations Society (MUNSOC) Inauguration

The MUN Society of the Department of International Studies, Political Science and History organized its Inauguration and the induction of office bearers for the year 2023. The event started with an invocation dance by Natyarpana, the classical dance team of Christ University.

It was followed by a welcome Address by Dr. Madhumathi Deshpande, Coordinator, Department of International Studies, Political Science, and History. After the address, Dr. Stefy V. Joseph, Faculty coordinator of ISPH MUNSOC revealed the team for the year 2022-23, and a video of the MUNSOC activities was displayed for the audience. 

The Guest Speaker, Mr. Patrick Mueller, Deputy Consul General, Consulate General of Switzerland, Bengaluru, delivered his speech about the changing nature and scope of diplomacy. Mr. Mueller explained how Switzerland as a nation was committed towards making diplomacy an avenue of mutual trust and cooperation amongst nations. The various opportunities and initiatives of Swiss government were discussed with the student community, which provided insights about, how various nations are making use of diplomacy as a way of nurturing trust and mutual development amongst each other. Students were also made aware of the educational opportunities that were provided by Switzerland. The address comprehensively summarized the idea on how to approach design and approach diplomacy for 21st century. 

The Presidential Address was delivered by Rev. Dr. Fr. Jose C.C, Pro-Vice Chancellor, Christ (Deemed to be) University, who elaborated on the idea of global diplomacy and explained how students should make use of the opportunities that were made available to them. The event concluded with the vote of thanks presented by the Presidents of ISPH MUNSOC, Aditya Sinha and Sanya Ghai.


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