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Orientation Camp for the students of MA International Studies

"Teamwork is the ability to work together toward a common vision. The ability to direct individual accomplishments toward organizational objectives. It is the fuel that allows common people to attain uncommon results."

Andrew Carnegie

The first year Masters of Arts in International studies students headed towards its first camp scheduled on 28th June 2019. The camp was conducted in Kengeri campus of CHRIST (Deemed to be University) under the instruction of Jayakumar sir. A team of about 47 students headed to kengeri on 28th June by 7.30 am, under the guidance of Dr Stefy Joseph. Nature is one of biggest gifts that man has ever received, it has the power to boost the soul of an individual. Kengeri campus, with its sprinted environment was definitely one of those energy booster for all the students. Students were completely engaged throughout the camp, through various activities which were aimed at team building and leadership initiatives. Students were divided in to different groups, were a platform was provided to each student, to discover and cultivate their own talents.
The activities enabled us to reflect on our social behaviours, and was emotionally and physically challenging by demanding them to step out of their comfort zones and discover vibrant areas of interest. These activities has enabled the students to cultivate healthy competitive spirits, which would act as their foundation for two years of academic life in the university, as well as prepare them to face the realities of the world. A particular session of the camp was dedicated towards cultural night, where every group of students put forward a dance performance and an overall winner was announced at the end of a long day of healthy competitions. The students were graded at different stages on the basis of their performance by a team of faculties, including Dr Stefy Joseph, Dr Barnali Chanda and Dr Vineeth Thomas. This occasion was graced by the presence of honourable Pro Vice chancellor, Dr Joseph CC and he concluded the day’s events by addressing the students, and enlightened the students through his inspirational words and personnel experiences.
The next day of the camp was truly dedicated towards emotional exercises and personal bonding sessions, where students opened up about their realities of life and was aimed at providing them with a platform to realise the meaning of empathy. The students were also given opportunity to put forward their ideas on how their 2 years of university life could be made fruitful.
The camp came to an end, leaving a strong impact on the student, by enlightening them, with the realities of the world and the spirit of team work. The camp has emotionally and physically prepared students to face various adversities, and just as how Martin Luther king, jr. once said, the ultimate measure of man is not where he stands in moments of comfort and convenience but where he stands at the time of challenge and controversy


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